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News of Our 3 Awards
Music Mark
For the third consecutive year The UK Association for Music Education has awarded Roselands this mark as ‘recognition of a commitment to providing high quality music education for all children and young people.’
Ofsted ’19 – ‘A high proportion of pupils are learning to play a musical instrument, and pupils speak proudly about their musical performances.’
All classes have weekly music lessons in our Music Studio. In year 2 all pupils have regular recorder lessons. From year 3 upwards children can choose to learn one of the nine instruments we offer, taught by our visiting music specialists: violin, cello, flute, clarinet, oboe, piano, drumkit, guitar or brass. Ensembles and groups meet to play together: flute choir, guitar groups, string and brass groups. The school orchestra plays regularly to accompany hymns in assembly and performs at events, often alongside the school choir. The whole school is involved in the annual concert held at Christmas as well as performing at special assemblies to which families are welcomed.
School Games Mark Gold
We have achieved gold level in recognition of our offer of a very strong sports programme across all areas of the school where we have been congratulated for using a variety of methods to engage students in regular activity.
Particular thanks go to Miss Kinninmonth for collating the evidence and Mrs Smith for co-ordinating sports across the school. All staff, including our regular visiting specialists, are acknowledged and appreciated.
Ofsted ’19 – ‘ Pupils are appreciative of the broad range of extra-curricular activities available to them. These activities pay an important role in developing pupils’ confidence and wider skills.’
The vaildation summarised:
The validation highlighted that the school was offering a very strong sports programme across all areas of the award, including:
- There is a strong culture of physical activity across the school, and the school uses a variety of methods to engage students in regular activity, through the Daily Mile and other personal challenge activities, as well as through PE and a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities.
- The school ensures that students with SEND and least active students have a range of opportunities to participate in physical activity through both targeted clubs and a range of taster sessions. During 2018-19, they successfully engaged 36% of previously least active students, who are now participating in regular extra-curricular clubs.
- The sport offer is supplemented by a strong leadership programme in which pupils have a range of opportunities to become involved in leading, managing and officiating School Games activity, and students are given opportunities to learn to lead during both PE and extra-curricular activities.
- The school engages well with local sports clubs and leisure providers, offering both a signposting function and more active links in terms of both taster and regular sessions with a large number of different clubs.
Woodland Trust Green Tree School – Bronze Award
We make use of our extensive grounds for learning and play: