Our Senco Miss Roberts works with children across the school.

She can be contacted through email:


Roselands SEN Information Report

Roselands SEN Information Report enables us to share with you how we approach Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and how children benefit from a coordinated approach from all school staff. Transition is a high priority for us all and we will ensure your child’s educational journey is as smooth as possible.

We work with the Developing Special Provision Locally 4 group (DSPL4) sharing our expertise and provision to ensure all children within this DSPL have equality of provision and services. We also are part of the Danes Educational Academy Trust . In partnership we work closely together to ensure an Academy wide and coordinated approach for all learners.

How does the school know if my child needs extra help and may have special educational needs and who can I contact for further information if I have a concern?

Class teachers and Senior Leaders monitor children’s progress, including their academic and social and emotional wellbeing, regularly and if a child is not making expected progress or other concerns arise we can quickly identify the need for additional support and make the appropriate provision.

If parents and carers have concerns they can arrange an appointment to discuss these concerns with the class teacher or the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO). The school office is open for general enquiries and office staff can put you in contact with the most appropriate member of staff to discuss your concerns. For further information, the SENCO can be consulted in person or by telephone.

How will school staff support my child and how will the learning and development provision be matched to my child’s needs and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

The class teacher takes responsibility for the daily provision for your child within the classroom with support from the SENCO when required. All children are involved in class activities with the provision being differentiated to meet the differing needs of the children in each class. When a need for additional support is identified the parents will be informed. If the initial support does not fully meet the needs of the child they may, after a thorough assessment of their needs and with parental agreement, be placed on the SEN register. The children are included on a provision map which maps out the provision being made. Governors are responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the provision in place for all children identified with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). They receive regular updates at termly meetings with the SENCO on the progress of pupils with SEND.

We support children in a variety of different ways. This may include the use of booster groups, English or Maths interventions, additional in-class support (where appropriate), phonics groups, Speech and Language Therapy, WellComm screening and support, Occupational Therapy and the use of advice from various external professionals.

How will I know how my child is doing? How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education?

Termly Parents’ consultation evenings are held which provide parents and carers with regular feedback on their children’s progress in all areas of school life. Annual reports are sent home at the end of the summer term which provides parents with detailed information about their child’s annual progress. If concerns arise about a child’s progress between consultation evenings the class teacher, head teacher or SENCO will contact parents or carers to discuss these concerns. There are regular planning meetings to monitor children with SEND which include parents, carers, teachers, SENCO and any outside agencies involved. The targets set are reviewed at these meetings and new ones set to enable us to work towards the desired outcomes for children.

How is the decision made about how much support my child will receive?

Children have their progress monitored regularly and their specific needs are assessed. The support which is given is matched to their assessed needs. Their needs can be met in a variety of different ways including differentiation of the curriculum, small group support within the class, specialist intervention programmes which target specific needs and one-to-one support. Some children may have exceptional needs and may receive additional funding which provides support or equipment which cannot be provided through the funding which is available within school.

What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?

Children’s achievements are regularly celebrated to develop self-esteem including Star of the Week and regular musical assemblies. Children are supported with their social and emotional development throughout the day through the general school curriculum and the provision of a variety of extra-curricular activities. Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is integral to our curriculum to support personal and social development of all of the children. Behaviour is a high priority and our behaviour policy is followed by all school staff to ensure consistency and high expectations of all children. We teach children the need for respect for each other and the environment. The acquisition and understanding of core British values is at the heart of everything we do.

Relevant staff receive training to support the medical needs and, in some cases, all staff receive training. We have a medical policy in place. Individual Care Plans are provided for children with specific medical conditions and all staff are made aware of these individuals and their specific needs. All staff receive regular First Aid training, including Paediatric First Aid training for Early Years staff. There is always a named First Aider available. The staff receive Child Protection training on a regular basis and there is a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) to oversee Child Protection. The school has a number of DSL to ensure there is always someone on site for Child Protection issues.

Risk assessments are carried out for all school trips to ensure the safety of all children and adults participating in the trips. If necessary adjustments are made to meet the specific needs of individuals to enable them to be involved. On-site activities provided by external groups are also risk assessed.

We try to ensure that all children across the Academy Trust feel safe, secure and happy. Children with additional needs will be regularly invited (just as parents and carers are) to talk about their needs and feelings with the school SENCO. Teachers develop a close bond with the children in their class and, where a child’s wellbeing is felt to need some support, we can support them in a variety of ways such as the use of a meet and greet on arrival at school, ‘Drawing and Talking’ Therapy, inclusion in nurture groups, and sessions with the in-school therapist. The School Nursing Service also provides support for children with a variety of needs including support for their mental wellbeing.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?

We have regular contact with external agencies who can be contacted for advice and support. The Behaviour Support Team (BST), Speech and Language Therapy (SALT), Visually Impaired Team (VI), Hearing Impaired Team (HI) and Specific Learning Difficulties Base (SpLD) are a few of the services to which the school can refer when specific needs are identified. This is entirely dependent on the needs of your child. We also have a link Educational Psychologist (EP) who we can contact for advice and refer to for assessments. Parents can have discussions about their concerns with an EP by telephoning Contactline on 01992 588574.

We have links with the Parent Support workers (HABS) who can be contacted for advice and support. They are based at Wormley Primary School and can be contacted on 01992 303331      option 5.

We can also seek advice for Autism from the Communication and Autism Team who provides advice and guidance for staff working with children with autism and similar, but undiagnosed, difficulties.

What training have the staff, supporting children with SEND, had or are having?

Our SENCO is a qualified and experienced teacher and holds the National Qualification in Special Educational Needs. She also receives ongoing training in Special Needs and Disabilities. All teachers are qualified, and all staff including Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) receive regular training to enable them to provide the best possible support for the children.  A number of staff have received specialist Speech and language training and deliver individualised programmes. Staff have also received training in other areas including autism, nurture and the emotional wellbeing of children.

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?

Our Equality/Inclusion policy promotes the involvement of all children in all areas of the curriculum both in school and outside the classroom. Full risk assessments are carried out and reasonable adjustments are made to enable all children to be involved in activities which are provided.

There are a variety of extra-curricular activities which all children can access at appropriate stages in their education. These activities include a gardening club, various sports activities and musical groups.

How accessible is the school environment?

The school is accessible to all, with disabled facilities being available. There are accessible toilets in both buildings. Corridors and doors provide for wheel chair access to all areas and a slope provides for access to one wing from the other.

How will the school prepare and support my child when they join the school, transfer to a new school or the next stage of education and life?

Reception staff will communicate with and visit the settings of children transferring from pre-school to enable them to meet the children and ensure a smooth transition into Reception. For the younger children who join us with identified special needs we create a tailored transition programme which may include pre-school/ nursery visits, professionals’ meetings, lengthy parent meetings, additional transition visits, or transition/ photo books to name but a few. Children transferring to Roselands part way through the school year are invited to visit the school and meet their new teacher beforehand and school staff will receive their information to ensure a smooth transition into their new class. There is a structured programme in place for transition from one class to the next as they progress through the school. During year 6 children are prepared for secondary transfer with visits to secondary school to make informed choices regarding their next educational setting. Once they have been allocated a school, staff from the secondary schools will visit the children here at Roselands and the children have orientation visits to prepare them.

How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?

School finances are audited regularly and resources are utilised to provide the support which will best meet the needs of the children. Resources are matched and allocated by each child’s individual need. Some children may require augmented learning materials, changes to the learning environment, an enhanced level of lesson differentiation or level of staff support. Resources are purchased using an allocated SEN budget which will support children in all areas of the curriculum. Details are within the head teacher’s report to the governors.

How can I find out about the Local Authority’s Local Offer of services and provision for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities?

Hertfordshire publish a local offer which covers Hertfordshire and this can be accessed online at:-

This SEND Information Report is reviewed annually with parents, staff and governors.

Hertfordshire publish a local offer which covers Hertfordshire and this can be accessed online at:-


This SEND Information Report is reviewed annually with parents, staff and governors. It has also been created in conjunction with our Primary Academy Trust Partner (Cranbourne).

Updated September 2024

Roselands Primary School Send Information Report 2024