Friends of Roselands (FORS)




We are a group of parents and staff who are dedicated to raising money which can enhance the school life of every child at Roselands, provide them with resources that may not be within the school budget.

Fun for all!

Every year FORS host events for the enjoyment of the school community.  Events including:

  • Roselands Easter Fair – A day dedicated to fun for all the family with face painting, many stalls, tombola’s, competitions, abundant activities for both children and adults, amazing cakes, refreshments and much more!
  • School Discos – Loved by all the children.  Usually held in two parts over one evening, the younger KS1 children first followed by the older KS2 children. Stalls selling glow bands, trinkets and refreshments such as soft drinks and hotdogs are available.
  • Doughnut and Cake Sales – Doesn’t matter how many we cater for they always sell out! 
  • Craft Fair – Held after school near to Mothering Sunday.  Local crafters have previously joined us to sell their products. 
  • Quiz Nights – Speaks for itself.
  • Second Hand Uniform Sales – good quality second hand uniform items for bargain prices.  Most children grow out of their uniforms very quickly, so this is a great opportunity to pick up what they need at a very reasonable price!


Besides these events we work behind the scenes too!  For example, arranging for the children to create Christmas cards every year to be printed and sold in packs to friends and families, and helping to run school Bookfairs.


Money raised by FORS

FORS Fundraising in 23 24

How is the money raised spent?

Thanks to the generosity of our supporting families, we have managed to raise enough money to make some real differences:

  • A book corner has been installed in every class giving the children a cosy, comfortable, quiet area to learn. 
  • New books have also been supplied
  • A greenhouse has been bought to encourage outdoor learning and has already had a huge positive impact on the children’s well-being and learning experience. 
  • Sports equipment and team kits have been supplied.
  • Money has been spent on playground equipment and is enjoyed by all the children at breaktime.


These are just a few of the amazing ways your support has helped.

 Did you know you can raise money to support FORS just by signing up to Easy Fundraising?


Easy Fundraising


It is easy! Just follow this link ( and select Friends of Roselands School as your cause.  Easy Fundraising are partnered with 7,000 brands and they will donate part of what you spend to FORS.

Second Hand Uniform

Do you need any uniform?  FORS have a stock of good quality second hand uniform for sale.  Including  Roselands polo shirts, jumpers, and cardigans, and trousers, shorts, dresses and skirts.  If you need anything please email us


None of this would be possible without the support of our families!  If anyone is willing to spend a little time to help at events, or take on a more involved role within FORS you would be warmly welcomed…...  We are all very friendly and love new ideas and initiatives. If you would like to make a difference, please contact one of the FORS team.  You will see us around the school or at any of the events.

You will be asked to have a DBS check which is easy to do online and can take a couple of weeks.  It would be great to have you as part of our team, please think about it!  

Email us at:



Annual Easter Fair at Roselands

Every year we see families, friends and the local community enjoying the school’s annual Easter Fair where the dedication and organisation of the Friends of Roselands is rewarded with profits in the region of £3000. Many visit this annual event who came to the school years ago, often over two generations. A popular feature of our annual fair is the food cooked and served by our team of kitchen staff – past and present cooks working together. Money raised helps to pay for many items which enrich the broad and varied school curriculum for all. It also supports the funding of transport for regular trips and outings related to work in the school.

Previous Spring Fairs


Our Deputy Mayor visited to judge the miniature gardens created by children of all ages. The theme reflected the school’s support for the ‘Year of the Environment’. The winners then took their Easter egg prizes and joined the Deputy Mayor amongst the daffodils in the school grounds.


Buskers from school orchestra entertained  -  Pupils danced around the school maypole