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Teaching & Learning
BackOur curriculum is broad and balanced between skills and knowledge, aiming to empower children to develop and use talents for their future. The staff team have worked to create a curriculum map that is meaningful and relevant to the pupils at Roselands. Alongside the basic skills teaching of English and Maths we have created Learning Intent Organisers which bring elements of subjects together into inspiring themes which are dominated by History, Geography or Science.
"The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection …… you have worked closely with your team to review the school’s curriculum and make some improvements."
Ofsted 2019
Teachers plan their work together to ensure that the children receive a progressive and balanced curriculum of the highest quality. Each team have created an overview for the year, covering all subjects:
2023-2024 Annual Overview for each year group / phase
Early Years Long Term Plan 2023-2024
Key Stage 1 Long Term Plan 2023-2024
Lower Key Stage 2 Long Term Plan 2023-2024
Upper Key Stage 2 Long Term Plan 2023-2024
2022-2023 Annual Overview for each year group / phase
Early Years Long Term Plan 2022-2023
Key Stage 1 Long term plan 2022-2023
Lower Key Stge Two Long Term Plan 2022-2023
Upper Key Stage Two Long Term Plan 2022-2023
The organisation of classes in phases, each with an experienced leader; together with two assistant heads who each take a lead for English and Maths enhances our regular practice of annual, termly and then weekly plans. These include creation of the learning intent organisers, where our established thematic approach is the well-managed by all.
These overviews create the journey of the curriculum across the seven primary years. They are reviewed and revised when appropriate, with the whole staff team involved. Currently the 2020 plans are responding to the disturbances of the lockdown during 2019-20. The Herts for Learning ‘Back on Track’ materials have been adopted throughout the school to support the children in English and Maths.
Ensuring that children are `back on track` in all elements of English and maths is crucial. Actions continue to be taken to identify and address gaps. Children’s school days are highly structured, with English learning consisting of short blasts of handwriting, spelling, reading, writing and listening to good quality story time. Roselands children progress in reading in several ways, but one way is through our school scheme, which has graded books at particular levels, following book bands or colours. An appreciation of books is fostered throughout the school year.